Kada dođeš do trenutka u kojemu te apsolutno sve gura prema pomicanju vlastitih granica- i kada napustimo svoju zonu komfora- to je točka gdje nastaje čarolija!
So here we are- magic creators since 2020!
Sve što radimo, posljedica je ogromne ljubavi i strasti.
U svaki trenutak u životu treba unijeti radosti, veselja i ljubavi, a pogotovo balona!
Dekoracije koje radimo za Vas pamtit ćete do kraja života.

Committed to Excellence
Based in Karlovac, I design and execute highly customized and unique events for every type of celebration. I’m here to make sure that each event I’m involved with is inspiring, extraordinary and unforgettable. From initial planning to selecting the perfect catering and concept, I'll assist you every step of the way until I deliver a stunning result beyond imagination.